Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Unfortunatley, we lost DeeDee on Sept. 19,2006, to illness and very old age. She would have been 13 if she had made it til Oct.6, but she became sick on Sept 5, and even though she tried her best to rally, it wasn't to be. The doctor came out on the late afternoon of the 19th , and with me, MOM, and Chloe, and the kennel dogs near, she was helped to go to a more peaceful place and was laid to rest beside her friend, Tillie, and her daughter, Dixie, next to the black locust tree at the side yard. The kennel dogs ( Catcher, Rosie and Maggie, her kids from the only time she had babies, and Vinnie, my brother ) howled a song of good-bye to her and Chloe, the coonhound pup, placed a tennis ball on the edge of her grave when MOM was finished.
We will miss her terribly but we know that she is with Grandma, Grandpa, Jynxie, Bailey, Tillie, Shadow,Dixie, and Trouble and that she's having a good time and will meet us when we come to her.
We love you DeeDee,

Monday, September 04, 2006

Well, MOM , Chloe , Stylle , and I have decided to enjoy the Labor Day holiday by lounging on the sofa and watching movies. MOM says this is a holiday and not another excuse to go shopping so , that's what we're going to do.

We will be back to work tomorrow , but until then, enjoy the rest of the Labor Day holiday.

DeeDee and Stylle

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hi Eveyone

Just an update as to what's been gonig on since Stylle last posted anything.

It's a little cooler, at least now it's in the upper 80's and not the 90's, but it's still too warm to do much baking - I don't thnk this air conditioner will be here next year, MOM isn't pleased with how it's NOT keeping the house cool. You still have to get up very early to be able to do anything inside before you get run out by the heat. I found a place on the floor where the a/c blows onto it and makes it nice and cool and THAT'S where I stay. ( I don't even let Stylle or Chloe there ).

Hopefully, it will cool off more so we can start baking again - Chloe found our ( mine and Stylle's ) stash of cookies and has been trying to get to them - she can be such a PAIN!!!

Will post later,

DeeDee and Stylle

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's been so hot that all we've done is lie around in front of the air conditioner and pant. Yesterday it was around 93 and today it's supposed to be 94 but feel like 105. Right now, it's 77 with 90 % humidity and maybe some rain later. DeeDee has to put up with the pup because she can't move fast enough to bite her and the pup doesn't listen to MOM when SHE tells her it's too hot to play. Puppies can be such a pain.
Hopefully, it will cool down soon so we can start baking again, but for right now, we agree with MOM and are not doing anything.
Will let you know how things are going,
DeeDee and Stylle

Sunday, July 23, 2006

MOM and Chloe have been busy fixing up a blog for Chloe and they have invited DeeDee and myself to model some of Chloe's sweaters and coats in the near future. That sounds like fun ( and MOM said since we let Chloe help taste test our cookies it was only right that we be allowed to help model the chlothes, too ). I can't wait to see what MOM and CHloe come up with for all of us to model - even DeeDee is getting excited ( or she has to go outside ).
Better go see what MOM and Chloe are up to.
The cookies are doing great. Hurry and place your order your pup will love them.
DeeDee and Stylle

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well, it's been tooo hot ( MOM isn't too thrilled with the idea of baking at this moment ) but we now have an air conditioner ( this HUGE monster in the dining room that puts out cool air ) and we can start baking again ( MOM went on strike until it was put in ). I like the air conditioner because I can lay on my back and it will make cool air blow across my tummy !!! DeeDee said she likes it, too, but Chloe is afraid of it ( she's afraid of anything new, silly girl ).
Better go and start making some cookies, now that MOM is agreeable to help ( I still have trouble using measuring cups - the handles are such a pain to hold onto ).
DeeDee and Stylle

Saturday, July 08, 2006


MOM said that we should post the menu here so everyone could see it , along with our contact email address so they can order some gooood cookies, so here goes ...

regular ( $ 5.00 for an 8 ounce bag )

Here Chickie - Chickie
The Classic ( similar to milk bones but better )
Good Boy

Special Order

Cake - square or loaf style $ 12.00
Muffins - 6 for $ 5.50 or 12 for $ 10.00
Party Mix - $ 5.00 for an 8 ouince bag
Show bait - $ 15.00 for an 8 ounce bag ( must be shipped frozen )
Liver - type cookies
Graham cracker with liver bits cookies
Rosie's bagels - 6 for $ 5.50 or 12 for $ 10.00
Catcher's danish rolls - 4 for $ 5.50 or 8 for $ 10.00.

Hope you see something you think you're kid will like and order some soon. Our contact email is :
DeeDee and Stylle

intro pix - finally

Well, as you can see, MOM finally got the picture of us on the blog. AGAIN, the beautiful black lady on the left is DeeDee, the brash young upstart in the center is Chloe, and the gorgeous blonde on the right is me, Stylle. We look forward to working with you to make wonderfully tasty cookies for your 4-legged kids!!!
DeeDee and Stylle

intro pix - finally

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Well, MOM did it this time ... when SHE tried to put a picture of us on the page, it didn't work, so we will be working on that along with the cookies. Hope to have the intro picture up soon. Hang in there, we are worth looking at.
DeeDee and Stylle

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Intro picture

This is Stylle again and I'd like to introduce you to a couple of our company employees.
On the left is a beautiful black Labrador named DeeDee , in the center is our newest member, Chloe, and that's me , the gorgeous blonde Labrador on the right.
We are waiting to hear from you and are anxious to please you.
Until later,
DeeDee and Stylle


My name is Stylle, and I'm here with DeeDee, and we'd like to introduce you to JUST MY STYLLE TREATS. We are Labrador retrievers and we like our treats but MOM always complained about the preservatives ( whatever those are ) in the ones SHE bought at the store, so we asked HER if there wasn't a way SHE could help us make some good treats without preservatives in them and JUST MY STYLLE was born.
Of course, we help MOM make the goodies ( altho SHE says we make more of a mess than help ... it's the thought that counts,Right?! ) We are a home-based doggie treat company and our treats have NO PRESERVASTIVES in them.
Every month we will include, in every order, a new treat for you to try. The new treat will appear as a star-shaped cookie and will be 6 included.
Also, when your mom or dad introduces a new parent to our treats and they place an order using your name as referring them, YOUR mom or dad will get a $ 3.00 discount on your total order !!! That's like getting FREE COOKIES!!!
Oh,MOM says we need to tell you about our quality control group : they consist of Vinnie, Maggie, Rosie, Catcher , us ( of course ), and our newest member, Chloe. We check EVERY treat we make and give it a " Tails-Up " rating, so you can be assured when it leaves here it has no less than a " 4 Tails-Up " rating.
So, hurry and email us for your menu and get some goodies ... you won't be sorry.
DeeDee and Stylle